In math points are used to mark the location.
A line can be formed by connected set of infinitely points. The line is extended in both the directions. The symbol `harr` is used to represent the line in math. Lines are denoted by letters like A, B, C, D.
A plane can be formed by an infinite group of points forming a related flat surface expanding infinitely distant in every directions.
Points - Points Lines and Planes:
this diagram shows the structure of point
In math point is used to represent the correct location or position or place. In math point has been represented by capital letters like A, B, C and D. Mark a point on a sheet of paper as like above diagram.
Properties of points:
Point has no length
Point has no breath
Point has no thickness
Point has no starting point
Point has no end point
Lines - Points Lines and Planes:
A lines can be formed by connected set of infinitely points. The line is extended in both the directions.
Draw a line:
With the help of pencil and scale we can draw a line in the plains.
this diagram shows the structure of line
Parallel lines:
When two lines are placed on a plane in same distance without intersection is called as parallel line. The term parallel in math can be represented as ||. For example PQ || to YZ. he above statement shows that the line PQ is parallel to the line YZ. The line PQ are parallel to the line YZ, if they don’t have any common point or center point.
The above diagram shows the structure of parallel line.
Properties of lines:
Line has infinite length
Line has zero width
Line has zero height
Planes - Points Lines and Planes:
Plane consists of four sides. Four sides closed part is called as planes.
Properties of planes:
Plane has infinite or unlimited length
Plane has unlimited or infinite width.
Plane has zero thickness (zero height)
Plane consists four sides
Planes are marked by letters like P, Q, R and S.