Wednesday, May 29

Singular Matrices

The term determinant was first introduced by Gauss in 1801 while discussing quadratic forms. He used the term because the determinant determines the properties of the quadratic forms. We know that the area of a triangle by means of vertices (x1, y1) (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) is

1/2 [x1(y2-y3) + x2 (y3-y1) + (y1-y2) ]

Similarity the condition for a second degree equation in x and y to represent a pair of straight lines is

abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 –ch2 =0.

Definition of determinant:

To every square matrix A of order n with entries as real or complex numbers, we can associate a number called determinant of matrix A and it is denoted by | A | or det (A) or Δ.

Thus determinant formed by the elements of A is said to be the determinant of matrix A.

If A = `[[a_(11),a_(12)],[a_(21),a_(22)]]` then its | A | =


Let | A | = |[aij]| be a determinant of order n. The minor of an arbitrary element aij is the determinant obtained by deleting the ithjth column in which the element aij stands. The minor of aij is denoted by Mij. row and


The cofactor is a signed minor. The cofactor of aij is denoted by Aij and is defined as

Aij = (− 1)i + j Mij.

Singular and non-singular matrices:

A square matrix A is said to be singular if | A | = 0 (i.e) determinant zero

A square matrix A is said to be non-singular matrix, if | A | ≠ 0. (i.e) determinant is not zero

Examples of determinant zero:

Let us see some examples of determinant zero:

Example 1:

A = `[[1,2, 3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]`


= 1(45 - 48) - 2(36 -42) +(32 -35)

= -3 +12-9 = 0

|A| = 0

So, A is singular  matrix.

Example 2:

Solve for x if


`rArr` (x2 - 35) + (1-2) = 0

`rArr` x2 -35 -1 = 0

`rArr` x2 - 36 =0

`rArr` x2 = 36

`rArr` x = `+-` 6.

These are examples of determinant zero.

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