Tuesday, June 4

What is Absolute Value in Math

Absolute value in math is nothing but if we represent a number as absolute value the result will be positive. If the number is positive or negative the result of the absolute value is math is positive. For example |-2| = +2 and |+ 2| = +2. Here we are going to learn what absolute value in math is and operations using the absolute values in math. It is help us to understand what the absolute value in math is.

Examples for what is absolute value in math:

Example 1:
           What is the absolute value of |-5|?
            We know in math absolute value of any value is its positive  value. Here we won’t consider the sign.
             So |-5| = +5

Example 2:
             What is the absolute value of |10|?
            We know in math absolute value of any value is its positive value. Here we won’t consider the sign.
             So |10| = +10

Example 3:
             What is the absolute value of |-9|?
             We know in math absolute value of any value is its positive value. Here we won’t consider the sign.
               So |-9| = +9

Operations using absolute value in math:

 Addition operation:
            Perform the following operation. |-3| + |-2|
             Given numbers are |-3| + |-2|
              Absolute value of |-3| = +3
              Absolute value of |-2| = +2
              So |-3| + |-2| = +3 + 2 = +5

Subtraction operation:
               Perform the following operation. |-8| - |-2|
               Given numbers are |-8| - |-2|
                Absolute value of |-8| = +8
                Absolute value of |-2| = +2
                So |-8| - |-2| = 8 – 2 = +6

Multiplication operation:
               Perform the following operation. |6| `xx` |-5|
            Given numbers are |6| `xx` |-5|
            Absolute value of |6| = +6
            Absolute value of |-5| = +5
            So |6| `xx` |-5| = 6 `xx` 5 = 30

       These are some of the examples for absolute value in math. It is better to understand the absolute values.

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